Welcome to "A TOUCH OF FASHION" online workshop

Having a concrete knowledge of the fashion industry and the various professions, is essential to have a career in this world, to choose what's your dream job and to create your own fashion brand.

Take this online fashion workshop to get more know-how from fashion professionals.

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  • 1) Have you always dreamed of discovering the world of fashion and luxury?

  • 2) Are you building a brand and would like to acquire a better know how?

  • 3) Would you like to work in the world of fashion but you still don't know what you would like to do?

Get to know fashion and identify the right role for you to quickly start your journey in fashion.

"A Touch of Fashion" workshop will help you understand the fashion industry and learn about roles in fashion. Do you want to become a fashion designer, a merchandiser, a buyer, a stylist, a product developer, a creative director, a communication manager...? Start learning about the industry and some of the main roles.

Who is this Fashion Workshop for?

  • Anyone who is curious about the world of fashion
  • Those who want to work in fashion but are not yet clear on what they would like to do, and therefore want to know what the fundamental phases and roles of the sector are
  • Anyone who would like to become a designer, raw material manager, product developer, merchandiser, buyer, communication manager
  • Those people who quickly want to understand the main phases of the fashion industry
  • Those who are creating their own brand but need more know-how and understanding of the fashion system.

Having an overview of the processes is fundamental to understand how the fashion industry works.

"A Touch of Fashion" workshop is organised by PFR, Italian fashion advisor

Anna Paola Vergani is the Founder of PFR (fashion website, image consultancy, content creator) and Founder of "A Touch of Fashion" Milan, now also online.

Graduated in Economics at the Cattolica University in Milan, she attended the Master in Fashion Business at Polimoda in Florence.

She worked as Product Developer leathergoods and shoes at Givenchy Paris and at Idee Partners luxury accessories, for brands such as Calvin Klein, Thierry Mugler, Escada, Byfar and others.

Later she worked as a sales consultant and showroom manager at Idee Brand Platform and Tora Tora showroom.

Currently marketing and digital communication consultant for various emerging brands.



You will learn the role of the fashion designer, the strategic role of design, the design journey and its stages, research for design, moodboard and concept generation with examples of concepts (from sketch to runway).

1. The work of the designer
2. The strategic role of design in fashion companies
3. The design process and its phases
4. Research for design: consumer insight; trends; colours, materials, volumes
5. The moodboard
6. The concept: sketches, technical drawings
7. The fashion show


You will understand the processes and the production lead time involved in the development of a collection of accessories. You will learn the structures and steps involved in shoe-making and in leather goods manufacturing.

1. Collection as a project: the project life cycle
2. Planning: Activities breakdown, TAC
3. TAC: Activities production lead time
4. Product Manager tasks and responsibilities
5. Shoes and Bags development
6. Focus on Leathers


You will learn all about the role of merchandiser and buyer, how to create a collection (models, articles, sku), deliveries, pricing and mark up. You will also learn the difference between showroom, buying office and distributor.

1. Role of the Merchandiser, the Buyer and connections with other company roles Composition of a collection
2. Width Depth, selection criteria
3. Calendars of fashion weeks and sector fairs
4. Pricing and mark up
5. Showrooms, agents and distributors
6. Sales analysis
7. Product variables
8. Line extension and brand extension (the case of Giorgio Armani)
9. Analysis of business variables


You will learn the secrets of FDC Fashion Digital Communication, what are the best channels for your communication, the trends, how to make a communication plan with a coordinated image and the best app to use.

1. Presentation, Brand Identity, Role of the Online and Role of the Offline
2. Instagram: Profile, Feed, Content, Caption, Hashtag, Tag & Geo-Tag, Scheduling
3. Creativity: Editorial Plan, DNA & Brand Values, Story Telling, Competitor, Algorithm, Growth
4. Tips & Tricks: Best Apps, Dimensions, Insight, Reports
5. Web: Website/Blog, Newsletter, E-commerce, Domain & Corporate Mail


  • When does the workshop start and how long does it last?

    This is a completely online workshop. You decide when to start and when to finish.

  • How long does the workshop last?

    There are a total of 4 courses, you can decide to take the ones you prefer, or take the whole workshop. Each course consists of 6/7 video lessons and lasts about one and a half to two hours. It is a fantastic workshop that will quickly give you an overview of the fashion industry in a very practical way.

  • Is the workshop in Italian or English?

    The workshop is in English with English and Italian subtitles, you choose how you want to follow it.

  • Is there any additional material besides the online lessons?

    Yes, the slides of all the courses are also provided, so that you can study them at any time.

  • Is there a certificate of participation at the end of the workshop?

    Yes, a certificate of attendance is issued if you attend the full workshop.

  • How long do I have access to the workshop?

    You have lifetime access to the workshop, so you can take the lessons whenever you like.

  • Is this workshop ok even if I have never studied fashion before?

    Absolutely. This course is for anyone who wants to get fashion know-how from professionals in the field.

  • Is this workshop ok even if I have studied fashion?

    Absolutely, you never stop learning.

  • How can I pay for the workshop?

    You can choose to buy one course only, and then add another course each time, or you can choose to buy the whole workshop. In both cases, payment must be made at the time of purchase. You can pay via paypal or stripe.

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